The Issues
While big polluters heat our planet, health care workers turn up for shifts exhausted, and repeated calls for stronger protections for First Nations cultural heritage sites go unanswered, this government has failed to listen and failed to lead.
They’ve put their big business and mining mates before us all.
All around us, people are finding ways to create a better country - one where we can all thrive.
Our communities have the solutions we need to address interconnected issues like inequality and climate change. We just need candidates and politicians to commit to policies for a better future.
Health justice
These past few years, all of us have felt the effects of a government who turned their backs on public health when they should have been keeping us safe.
Our health system is broken, and it is disproportionately hitting First Nations communities, fuelled by the under-resourcing of Aboriginal-led health organisations, a housing crisis and a lack of access to health services.
First Nations communities, nurses, aged care workers, and people across the continent are stepping up and speaking out, helping each other and demanding health justice.
Protect Cultural Heritage
Empty promises to fix the patchwork-system of State and Federal laws are leaving thousands of sacred Aboriginal heritage sites at risk of destruction have existed for decades.
Cultural heritage is everyone's responsibility. Now is the time to unite behind First Nations communities and demand all cultural heritage is protected.
That means a time-bound and federally funded commitment to a Federal Heritage Act in consultation with First Nations communities.
Read more and pledge to vote for cultural heritage protection
Real climate action
The Morrison Government pretends to act on climate change, but they've increased public funding to corporations who burn coal, oil and gas by 48%[1].
It's up to all of us to vote for representatives who will end fossil fuel subsidies, honestly back clean energy solutions – and look after communities, no matter where we live.
Read more and pledge to vote for climate justice here
[1] Australia lifted fossil fuel subsidies more than any G20 nation, says BNEF, Renew Economy, 21 July 2021.